Tel Aviv
29 December 2008
Today we did not go to a Hadassah luncheon in Beersheva. And our tentative plans to head further south or up north with the friends visiting from the USA are going on a shelf. Too risky now that Hamas has missiles that can reach 30 to 40 kilometers into Israel and the Arab population is demonstrating against the attacks.
This morning a Hamas made-in-Iran missile hit a construction site in Ashkelon, killing one worker and wounding 12. The dead man is an Israeli Arab but Hamas doesn't care. The BBC/Sky News people are whining that since the casualty toll on the Gazan side is so much higher, Israel has to stop and the Gazans' attacks should be tolerated. Nonsense. 100 to 200 missiles and mortars launched indiscriminately at a civilian population (which is what has been going on since long before the so-called ceasefire ended) cannot be allowed to continue. I'm not noted for being a hawk or right winger but enough is enough. Yes, there are civilian casualties in Gaza because Hamas facilities are hopelessly interspersed with residences, schools and mosques. Resorting only to violence with no serious offer of benefits for good behavior won't solve anything. (Consider, for example, the 40 rockets launched at Israel from Gaza today.) I made this argument when Hamas first got elected, Israel shut down the borders in a futile attempt to topple the regime and violence from both sides escalated into the Second Lebanon War. (See blog posted July 15, 2006.). I'm about to make it again.
Hamas was elected to bring stability internally while prosecuting the war against Israel externally. Unlike most political parties it actually delivered on most of its promises by ending sectarian violence and continuing to attack Israel. If an election ever gets held again, Hamas will win again. Meanwhile, all those children being trained by the big Mickey Rat to want to grow up to wear bomb belts, will grow up and, given that they have no hope of doing anything else, will take over from their martyred elders and recommence firing the missiles, mortars and dispatching suicide bombers. As the Mayor of Sderot said, if the current offensive buys us two years of quiet (and for him quiet is 3 to 6 kassams a week) it will be a success.
So why won't violence alone work for either side? Hamas is not capable of militarily defeating the Israelis. Their only hope is that terrorism will compel the Israelis to leave, just like the British left. Guess what? Won't happen. If anything, the continued violence has pushed Israel to the right and fomented a siege mentality that will last for years. For its part, Israel really can't pound Gaza into submission. Why? Because such an action can only be interpreted as genocide. Also, Israel can't retake and garrison the Gaza Strip. All that does is touch off the Third Intifada and give Hezbollah an excuse to start bombing Israel's northern cities. To say nothing of an Israeli population that will not tolerate the number of casualties that will be suffered by the IDF. As the IDF's Chief of Staff said, he knows how to go into Gaza but does not know how he'd get out again.
So, once Israel has destroyed what it can that will be the end of things for now. Both sides will return to the daily grind of attacks and retaliations, with each side claiming that the other started the violence. As for Israel's ongoing efforts to economically choke Gazans into abandoning Hamas, this has had and will have about as much success as the USA has had in eliminating the Castro regime in Cuba. Inevitably there will be another escalation, as happened this week, and we'll go through the cycle all over again. As has been the case for the past 40 years, resorting to violence will not solve the underlying problem. It will punish some but not all of the bad guys and a lot of civilians caught in the middle but violence won't bring any long lasting relief to what ails Israel, let alone the Palestinians.
Before suggesting an alternative, let's review the seemingly impenetrable barriers to any kind of long term ceasefire. First, Livni and Barak were about to be voted out of office. The hail of Hamas missiles came close to being the final nail in their political coffins. Then they struck back. Big time. The latest polls have Kadima running neck and neck with Likud and Labor is back from the brink of extinction. If they manage to restore some semblance of quiet in southern Israel, Livni and Barak might get to remain in the government while Olmert may be remembered as something more than an incompetent hack and crook. (He might even get some time off his jail terms.). Their hope is that deep down inside most people don't want Bibi to be the next Prime Minister but have, until this week, felt they had no other choice. So, Livni and Barak are in no hurry to bring a quick end to Operation Castlead.
Hamas, for its part, is religiously committed to destroying any semblance of a Jewish state, making Palestine Judenfrei or becoming martyrs in the process. Hamas steadfastly refuses to deal with Israel, even for what would seem to be practical matters such as getting enough food and fuel into Gaza. Israel, rightfully, won't deal with or recognize a regime whose very existence is predicated on Israel's destruction. But, let's be honest, Hamas gives Israel an excuse to not get too serious about a real peace deal because that would mean getting serious about helping to build an economy in Gaza or, even more critically, pulling settlers out of the West Bank. Hamas enables Israel to say they have no partner for peace by reminding the world, every day, that they refuse to be a partner for peace. Hamas also does what it can (which is a lot) to undermine the efforts of any other Palestinian faction to make peace. As for enforcing a cease fire, Hamas was serious when they said that they would not be Israel's policeman.
It has been said around here that the last ceasefire fell apart (or never actually took effect, depending upon your point of view) because there never was a meeting of the minds as to its terms. Since nothing was put in writing and signed, everyone concerned was free to announce and follow their own version of the terms. And, as there was no agreed upon enforcement mechanism, the only recourse was to resume the violence. Hamas can claim that Israel violated the cease fire by not allowing enough trucks into Gaza or by not extending the cease fire to the West Bank. Israel, for its part, can simply point to the fact that the missile fire never completely stopped and that Hamas was still trying to tunnel its way into Israel. So, for any future deal to last, both sides are going to have to agree to specific terms, put them in writing, sign them (I would insist that both Haniyah in Gaza and Meschal in Damascus sign on behalf of Hamas) and come up with some way of enforcing the deal.
It is an understatement to say that its not easy to strike a deal between parties who will not recognize, negotiate or take action on behalf of one another. As for the latter, remember, in any negotiation, at some point each negotiator has to go back to his or her own people and convince them that the other side is right about some things and the people who hired or elected the negotiator have to make concessions. Can you name anyone from Likud, Kadima or Labor who is going to tell Israelis that Hamas may be right about something? And vice versa. So if any future deal is to have a future, Egypt, Turkey. the US under an Obama Administration, someone, has got to write down the deal, make the parties sign it and figure out how to enforce it. Good luck.
I actually think that Hamas is going to blink first. Its refusal to bend makes for great sermons in the Mosque but doesn't help Joe Gazan get a job or send his kids to school or keep Hamas' leadership alive. At some point Hamas will revert to form and seek a ceasefire to give it time to reorganize and reload. But the typical Hamas ceasefire is only to buy time. Not to live in peace. So, the question is how do you get to an indeterminately long ceasefire? Behavior modification. Make compliance really worthwhile while violations are punished without resort to renewed violence.
Israel should agree that in return for one week of no hostile acts (defined, in writing, as no missiles, mortars, human attacks in any form and no importation of weapons, known terrorists or people to train terrorists), the border crossings will be opened to up to 100 trucks a day. (Israel allowed up to 90 trucks as day during the last cease fire and Hamas objected that this was less than what was promised.) In addition to the trucks, unlimited crossings should be allowed for people in need of medical care and individuals with work permits (which permits will not be unreasonably denied). For every additional week of no hostile acts Hamas gets an additional 100 trucks until the Hamas number of 900 a day is reached. After that the truck limit is a combination of whatever the crossings can handle and how much is being shipped into and out of Gaza..
If 6 months go by with no hostile acts, Israel will allow Hamas to reopen the port in Gaza. Israel keeps the right to inspect ships coming and going for arms, wanted terrorists and the like but generally allows commerce to move along. After one year Israel opens an unrestricted means of egress between Gaza and the West Bank. At this point the cease fire is extended to the West Bank for both sides to obey. Also, private parties may establish joint business ventures, reopening the industrial zones along the border that have been shut down since the Second Intifada began. After two years, Gaza gets its international airport reopened. No plane can fly over Israeli airspace and every plane has to go straight west for 200 to 300 kilometers before making a turn.
Any violation by any Palestinian closes all of this down and the one week time clock starts ticking again. Any violation by Israel results in an appropriate economic sanction. In other words, no one gets to just start shooting again but there is a definite penalty for violating the ceasefire. Honoring the ceasefire would get Gazans some concrete rewards and make it worth their while to maintain the calm. Since the stick alone does not work, it's time to try adding a real carrot.
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
How We Spent Yom Hag Hamoled
Last night (December 24) Liz and took our visiting friends, Burt and Alice, to Schmuel's, where we met up with our Israeli friends, Mauricio and Nurit. Burt and Alice arrived in Israel that morning. We fed them lunch and sent them off for a nap. We woke them a few hours later, fed them dinner (with potato latkes) and hauled them off to Schmuel's. We are very cool friends.
I wrote about Schmuel's last year when Mauricio got me warmed up for my Super Bowl all nighter. Schmuel has lately gone on a Brazilian music kick with a wonderfully talented trio playing on Fridays and other holiday evenings. Last night was the last concert for the lead singer, Nillson, who is going home to Brazil to pursue acting gigs. The group plays bossa nova, samba and lots of other mellow Brazilian dance tunes, some of which they wrote themselves. Listening to this under Schmuel's crusader arches is a transcendent experience. The crowd attracted to the music is largely Brazilian plus locals who know what's good. To get a better feel for the place than I can convey please check out for photos and music clips.
To protect the band, dancers and my drinks from the winds and rain, Schmuel has made large curtains out of coffee bean sacks provided by Mauricio. In addition to being Brazilian music night, it was also the fourth night of Hanukah and also the eve of Yom Hag Hamoled (The Day of The Festival of the Birth). As if Tel Avivans need an excuse to party.
OK, so everyone is merrily drinking and smoking their way through the evening. Lots of smiling faces and mellow dancing. Around 11pm the band takes a break. Everyone's attention is called to the bar where Schmuel and Nillson are about to light the menorah that has taken up a prominent place all evening. Schmuel has put on a kippah and holds a prayer book (kept under the bar? kept with his stash?). He recites the blessings while Nillson lights the candles. The entire crowd of about 40 pleasantly inebriated people joins in singing Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages) to a Samba beat. We really love this country.
Today, Liz and I got up at 5:30am, caught an early bus to Jerusalem to attend Joshua's Bar Mitzvah (Becky's friend Jesse's younger brother). Trust me, functioning on 4 1/2 hours sleep with a hangover is a young man's game. Nevertheless, the service was just fine (Joshua davened, read Torah and gave a good speech) The brunch was delicious. This all took place in the Mount Zion Hotel. The hotel doesn't seem to get a lot of buzz. Its built into a hill just down the road from the wall of the Old City. The view alone is worth the 5 stars this place gets in the guides. Family and friends from Israel, New Jersey and Skokie IL gathered together and had a fine old time.
This is not my vacation, this is now how I live.
Happy Holidays to You All. Read more!
I wrote about Schmuel's last year when Mauricio got me warmed up for my Super Bowl all nighter. Schmuel has lately gone on a Brazilian music kick with a wonderfully talented trio playing on Fridays and other holiday evenings. Last night was the last concert for the lead singer, Nillson, who is going home to Brazil to pursue acting gigs. The group plays bossa nova, samba and lots of other mellow Brazilian dance tunes, some of which they wrote themselves. Listening to this under Schmuel's crusader arches is a transcendent experience. The crowd attracted to the music is largely Brazilian plus locals who know what's good. To get a better feel for the place than I can convey please check out for photos and music clips.
To protect the band, dancers and my drinks from the winds and rain, Schmuel has made large curtains out of coffee bean sacks provided by Mauricio. In addition to being Brazilian music night, it was also the fourth night of Hanukah and also the eve of Yom Hag Hamoled (The Day of The Festival of the Birth). As if Tel Avivans need an excuse to party.
OK, so everyone is merrily drinking and smoking their way through the evening. Lots of smiling faces and mellow dancing. Around 11pm the band takes a break. Everyone's attention is called to the bar where Schmuel and Nillson are about to light the menorah that has taken up a prominent place all evening. Schmuel has put on a kippah and holds a prayer book (kept under the bar? kept with his stash?). He recites the blessings while Nillson lights the candles. The entire crowd of about 40 pleasantly inebriated people joins in singing Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages) to a Samba beat. We really love this country.
Today, Liz and I got up at 5:30am, caught an early bus to Jerusalem to attend Joshua's Bar Mitzvah (Becky's friend Jesse's younger brother). Trust me, functioning on 4 1/2 hours sleep with a hangover is a young man's game. Nevertheless, the service was just fine (Joshua davened, read Torah and gave a good speech) The brunch was delicious. This all took place in the Mount Zion Hotel. The hotel doesn't seem to get a lot of buzz. Its built into a hill just down the road from the wall of the Old City. The view alone is worth the 5 stars this place gets in the guides. Family and friends from Israel, New Jersey and Skokie IL gathered together and had a fine old time.
This is not my vacation, this is now how I live.
Happy Holidays to You All. Read more!
daily life
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Two Days of Hearings Bring Me to Two Questions
OK, its Fall of 1929 (or maybe 1888 for you total finance junkies) only this time the powers that be actually want to try to avoid the closing down of credit markets and the cascading failures of banks and brokerages. So, I have two questions. And I would really like those of you are smarter than I am about these things (and that's most of you) to tell me if I'm even close with the answers. First, rather than some stupid formulaic limit on CEO pay or dividends, why doesn't the government just put a condition on the money requiring that any money received to buy an institution's assets may only be used by the institution to make loans or otherwise do business? Second, am I missing something or does buying up mortgages and mortgage-backed securities at a deep discount almost guarantee that the Feds will make a profit?
First, the Feds could easily put limits on the use of our money and on any profits earned with our money. Limits on the use of the funds could remain in effect for the remainder of the institution's current fiscal year and its next five fiscal years (unless Congress determines that the crisis is over sooner).
The institutions get to count bailout money as good capital, thus allowing them to borrow other funds at lower rates, meet capital requirements and get a higher credit rating from the rating services. But what the institution may not do is to use the federal money or any earnings on it to determine the size of the executive bonus pool or shareholders' dividends. Don't let anyone who says there's no way to account for cash flows in such a micro level. Brokerages and investment banks do it all the time to calculate things like their cost of funds.
It seems to me that requiring the money only be used for loans would achieve the main goal of opening up the credit markets. Not allowing it to be used to calculate executive compensation would enable Congressmen to say that no one is getting personally rich on taxpayers' money (though, of course, they will but that's really the point and possibly the subject of another blog). And, for shareholders, while their dividends won't go up, the rise in the share price that will follow the improved balance sheet and increased revenues will more than make up for a lower dividend. Besides, it beats the heck out of bankruptcy or a federal takeover of the institution's equity.
Second, buying up mortgages and mortgage-backed securities at a deep discount almost guarantee that the Feds will make a profit. The Federal government's cost of funds to buy the assets is about 3 to 4% at current Treasury market rates (or even less if they just print the money). OK, so let's say they buy assets at 50 cents on the dollar. This would be a substantial premium over the mark-to-market or "fire sale" value of this garbage, so the institution will be glad to sell, but the discount below face value would leave plenty of room for the Feds to make a profit. Why? Well, despite all the gloom and doom, the default rate of "prime" mortgages (mortgages that were made to people who could actually afford to repay them) is now in the 6 to 8% range. This is two or three times "normal" default rates, reflecting the economic downturn. But that means that 92 to 94 percent of these mortgages and any securities backed by these mortgages are going to paid in full and on time. Assuming that the interest rates on these things run is the 4 to 6% range (and I think I may be low) the Feds' real rate of return will be 8 to 12%, because the paper was bought at half of face value. As for the bad paper, Fannie and Freddie can step in and renegotiate most if not all of the defaulting mortgages to rates that the borrowers can afford. Same deal with the subprime paper only more so. The dirty little secret in this crisis is that about 80% of subprime the loans are still being repaid. If you assume that the ARMs have reset to the 10 to 12% range, the Feds' rate of return could be in the 17 to 21% range (that's buying at half face value and subtracting a 3% cost of funds). As for the 20% in default let these be renegotiated to 30-year fixed rate mortgages in the 4 to 6% range, depending upon what the borrower can afford. The Fed still makes a tidy (albeit smaller) profit and the politicians can truly claim (just a few weeks before election day) that they OK'd a plan which allows borrowers duped by evil lenders to keep their homes.
So what's wrong with my "logic"? And, if I'm right, why isn't Paulson saying this, slowly and with small words so even a Senator or Congressperson can understand it?
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First, the Feds could easily put limits on the use of our money and on any profits earned with our money. Limits on the use of the funds could remain in effect for the remainder of the institution's current fiscal year and its next five fiscal years (unless Congress determines that the crisis is over sooner).
The institutions get to count bailout money as good capital, thus allowing them to borrow other funds at lower rates, meet capital requirements and get a higher credit rating from the rating services. But what the institution may not do is to use the federal money or any earnings on it to determine the size of the executive bonus pool or shareholders' dividends. Don't let anyone who says there's no way to account for cash flows in such a micro level. Brokerages and investment banks do it all the time to calculate things like their cost of funds.
It seems to me that requiring the money only be used for loans would achieve the main goal of opening up the credit markets. Not allowing it to be used to calculate executive compensation would enable Congressmen to say that no one is getting personally rich on taxpayers' money (though, of course, they will but that's really the point and possibly the subject of another blog). And, for shareholders, while their dividends won't go up, the rise in the share price that will follow the improved balance sheet and increased revenues will more than make up for a lower dividend. Besides, it beats the heck out of bankruptcy or a federal takeover of the institution's equity.
Second, buying up mortgages and mortgage-backed securities at a deep discount almost guarantee that the Feds will make a profit. The Federal government's cost of funds to buy the assets is about 3 to 4% at current Treasury market rates (or even less if they just print the money). OK, so let's say they buy assets at 50 cents on the dollar. This would be a substantial premium over the mark-to-market or "fire sale" value of this garbage, so the institution will be glad to sell, but the discount below face value would leave plenty of room for the Feds to make a profit. Why? Well, despite all the gloom and doom, the default rate of "prime" mortgages (mortgages that were made to people who could actually afford to repay them) is now in the 6 to 8% range. This is two or three times "normal" default rates, reflecting the economic downturn. But that means that 92 to 94 percent of these mortgages and any securities backed by these mortgages are going to paid in full and on time. Assuming that the interest rates on these things run is the 4 to 6% range (and I think I may be low) the Feds' real rate of return will be 8 to 12%, because the paper was bought at half of face value. As for the bad paper, Fannie and Freddie can step in and renegotiate most if not all of the defaulting mortgages to rates that the borrowers can afford. Same deal with the subprime paper only more so. The dirty little secret in this crisis is that about 80% of subprime the loans are still being repaid. If you assume that the ARMs have reset to the 10 to 12% range, the Feds' rate of return could be in the 17 to 21% range (that's buying at half face value and subtracting a 3% cost of funds). As for the 20% in default let these be renegotiated to 30-year fixed rate mortgages in the 4 to 6% range, depending upon what the borrower can afford. The Fed still makes a tidy (albeit smaller) profit and the politicians can truly claim (just a few weeks before election day) that they OK'd a plan which allows borrowers duped by evil lenders to keep their homes.
So what's wrong with my "logic"? And, if I'm right, why isn't Paulson saying this, slowly and with small words so even a Senator or Congressperson can understand it?
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